CAS is an ever-evolving project. While development on the current CAS3 branch has fallen mostly into maintenance and minor enhancements, development of the CAS3 is a very stable and mature product, and receives regular maintenance udpates from the community. Development on the new CAS4 release has started. CAS4 is looking to include SAML2 support, federation support, a reworked architecture, a more enhanced service management tool, better clustering support, as well as an enhanced user experience with regards to logging in.
One of the best aspects of the CAS project is the community support surrounding it. CAS currently supports two mailing lists, one for community support, and one for development questions. These can be accessed either through email or by using one of the services such as Nabble. In addition, CAS has a publicly available Issue Tracker where one can submit bug reports and feature requests.
CAS development operates under the guidance of a project steering committe comprised of developers, board members, and stakeholders.
Finally, if you require commercial support, Unicon, a Jasig Commercial Affiliate, offers its own Cooperative Support program modeled after the successful uPortal Cooperative Support program.