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Code Block
Attribute: a expression to mapping the username to an LDAP attribute, such as or cn=Shi Yusen, default is uid=u%.

AuthenType: the authen type of LDAP server, default value is simple.

AuthenticationHandler: the handler to authen the user's login, can be cn.langhua.opencms.ldap.cas.CmsCasAuthenticationHandler or cn.langhua.opencms.ldap.openldap.CmsLdapAuthenticationHandler, default is the LDAP one.

AutoUserRoleName: when a new user added according to the login server, the default role type of this user. If empty, the user will be only in the User group without any role.

BaseDN: the base DN of LDAP server, such as dc=example,dc=com. No default value.

CasLoginUri: the uri to CAS login, default is /login.

CasUrl: the url to visit CAS server, default is https://localhost:8443/cas.

CasValidateUri: the uri to CAS validate, default is /validate.

Filter: the filter to login LDAP server, default is (objectclass=*).

Scope: the scope to search LDAP, default is sub which means search subtree from the BaseDN.

URL: the URL of the LDAP server, ldap://localhost:389.

UseCmsLoginWhenLDAPFail: When LDAP connection or login failed, whether using OpenCms login instead. Default value is true.

 You have to config your CAS server to use LDAP as the above parameters configed.


 I use CAS 1.0 protocal to validate service ticket in the login procedure.

Code Block

 String ticket = CmsRequestUtil.getNotEmptyParameter(getRequest(), PARAM_TICKET);
        	CmsModule ldapModule = OpenCms.getModuleManager().getModule("cn.langhua.opencms.ldap");
        	if (ldapModule != null) {
        		String casUrl = ldapModule.getParameter("CasUrl", "https://localhost:8443/cas");
        		String loginUri = ldapModule.getParameter("CasLoginUri", "/login");
        		String validateUri = ldapModule.getParameter("CasValidateUri", "/validate");
        		String serviceUrl = getRequest().getRequestURL().toString();
        		String url = URLEncoder.encode(serviceUrl, "UTF-8");
        		if (ticket == null) {
            		getResponse().sendRedirect(casUrl + loginUri + "?service=" + url);
            	} else {
            		// there's a ticket, we should validate the ticket
            		URL validateURL = new URL(casUrl + validateUri + "?" + PARAM_TICKET + "=" + ticket + "&" + PARAM_SERVICE + "=" + url);
            		URLConnection conn = validateURL.openConnection();
        			InputStreamReader result = new InputStreamReader(conn.getInputStream(), "UTF-8");
        			BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(result);
        			String oneline = reader.readLine();
        			if (CmsStringUtil.isNotEmpty(oneline) && oneline.equals("yes")) {
    					// the ticket is true
    					m_username = reader.readLine().trim();
    					m_password = "cas_login";
    					m_actionLogin = "true";
       				} else {
       					// the ticket is false, forward the request to cas login page
                		getResponse().sendRedirect(casUrl + loginUri + "?service=" + url);


Please  Please replace the /system/login/index.html with /system/modules/cn.langhua.opencms.ldap/login/index_cas.html, and then you'll use CAS login page to login your OpenCms.

How to get the module and the source code

 Download the module:

 The source code: 
