The default, most flexible memory storage system, is the in-memory session storage. The in-memory session storage assumes one JVM (which means either one computer, or a JVM-spanning software such as Teracotta) and is probably the fastest option (when not using Teraccotta, there is no network traffic).
No specific Spring configuration is required to get the In-Memory Session Storage working.
To enable In-Memory Session Storage, all you need to do is add at least one of the supported protocols session storage modules to your WAR deployment pom.xml.
For example, to enable in-memory support, and the CAS protocol, including the following dependency in your pom.xml:
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Replace the version with the proper version of CAS. This will enable the CAS protocol with the default settings, as well as configure the in-memory session storage mechanism. You need to add dependencies for each protocol you wish to enable in CAS4.