Override default properties in cal.properties
Inside the bwbuild/.defaults directory, next to your configuration directory, you'll find a file named bwbuild/.defaults/cal.properties. cal.properties is referenced during the Bedework build and during deployment. You can override any of those properties by creating a bwbuild/myconfig/cal.properties in your configuration directory and editing in the overrides.
cal.properties is divided into sections with different property prefixes.
Under Install Options, prune the org.bedework.install property
Multiple versions of each application type may be deployed, each configured differently. You can see how this works by comparing the stanza for the "Demo departmental public Web Client" to the stanza for the "Public Web Client".
Set the run time properties in cal.options.xml
bwbuild/myconfig/cal.options.xml contains run time properties and is divided into sections much like the properties file. Most of the options are used to set field values in named classes so that the application will load the settings only once with a single call.