Marvin would like to see CAS4 authN api changes and ldapative get into the release, wants to bump to get those in.bump a release by a month.
pull in ldapative
extending lppe to use new api/features of ldaptive
authN managers
This is just api support for MFA. no No idea what the user interact interaction should be yet.
misagh/marvin to look at ldapaptive
signs starting to look
6 weeks extension. 3 check there.
update road map, user/dev list Marvin.
Misagh and Marvin will look for ways to work together on ldapaptive.
Consensus for a 6 weeks extension with a 3 week status call. At that point we will make a call on cutting scope if it doesn't look like we'll be ready for the release.
Marvin will update roadmap, user/dev l ist.
Front-channel SLO
Jerome to take forward in collab in Marvin. Still targeting CAS4.
OAuth Server side
Jerome to take forward
Action Items
Jira Issues
Early Adopters