I. Introduction
This document is the specification of levels of assurance (LOA) in CAS clients and server.
- Discussion on the cas-dev mailing list: https://lists.wisc.edu/read/messages?id=18431743
- NIST Electronic Authentication Guideline
- Key areas of interest:
- Section 5: Registration and Issuance Process
- Section 6.3 - Token Assurance Levels (pp 48-54)
- Really, the whole document is very interesting and directly applicable
- Key areas of interest:
- E-Authenticaiton Guidelines for Federal Agencies
- Key areas of interest
- Section 2.2: This is an interesting discussion of risk assessment - addresses the question: "Why do we want LOA?"
- Section 2.4: Examples of various levels
- Key areas of interest
- Incommon Assurance Policies Bronze and Silver
- Key areas of interest
- Section 4.1: Summary of Identity Assurance Criteria
- Key areas of interest
- Authentication Contexts for SAML 2.0
- Key areas of interest
- Section 3.4: Authentication Context Classes list
- Key areas of interest
II. Authentication API in CAS server
A) CAS 3.5.0
In CAS server 3.5.0, an authentication manager is in charge of validating credentials. It takes credentials as input.
- an authentication date
- attributes
- a principal with identifier and attributes.
B) CAS 4.0.0
TODO Marvin : describe briefly the new design of the authentication API in CAS server 4.0.0
III. New concepts or updated ones for LOA
A) Assurance Policy (new)
The CAS server has one and only AssurancePolicy. It consists of one or more AssurancePolicyLines.
- method boolean validateCredential(Credential) - checks to ensure that the credentials pass some specific rules
- PasswordStrengthValidator(int weakest, int strongest)
- IPSubnetRange(subnetMask, subnetPrefix)
B) Authentication handler (update)
So far, an AuthenticationHandler authenticates Credentials and is defined to support a kind of Credentials.
- maybe: attribute name
- maybe: method String getSupportedCredentialsType() - return a string representation of the type of Credentials supported by this handler
- maybe: method YesNoMaybe principalHasSufficientCredentials(Principal p, String credentialsTypeIdentifier, List<CredentialsDetailValidator> validators) - given a non-null principal, determine if that principal is actually able to fulfill the credentials in question. returns an enum which can indicate an unknown state
C) CredentialsGatherer (new)
An CredentialsGatherer is a way to get Credentials. Each CredentialsGatherer is defined to support a kind of Credentials it will return when called.
- List<String> supportedCredentialsTypes- list of string representations for the types of credentials that might be gathered by this gatherer
- alternative: boolean supportsCredentials() method
- For InteractiveCredentialsGatherer
- getView() - returns something that can be used to initiate a spring web flow
- that web flow will result in an Action that creates a "Credentials" object
- actually, I think it would be better if interactive credentials gatherers could be plugged-in without modifying the web flow XML
D) Actions and Web Flow (updated)
- AbstractCredentialsAction
- AbstractNonInteractiveCredentialsAction
- AbstractInteractiveCredentialsAction
- AbstractAuthenticationViaFormPostAction
- AbstractAuthenticationViaRedirectAction - note that this maybe could be handled on the "non-interactive" side better (consider existing OpenID and OAuth variations)
E) Interaction manager (new)
- getGathererForCredentials(CredentialRequirement) - given a particular credentials requirement, find an appropriate gatherer
F) Ticket Granting Ticket (update)
G) Authentication manager (update)
H) Registered service (update)
H) Assurance evaluator (new)
IV. Extension to CAS protocol
So far, the CAS server supports the renew parameter set to true to force re-authentication whatever the current authentication is.
V. Main algorithm
A) Diagram
B) Requested LOA
1) Client requested LOA
A client requested LOA is computed from the renew parameter if this one is defined :
- If renew is a numeric value, all authentication handlers whose LOA is superior or equals are selected
- If renew is a LOA name, the associated numeric value is used to find the authentication handlers as previously
- If renew is an authentication handler name, the authentication handler is selected.
2) Server requested LOA
A server requested LOA is computed from the requested registered service (service parameter).
If no service is defined, all authentication handlers are requested.
3) Computed requested LOA
The requested authentication handlers are the intersection between the ones computed for client and the ones computed for server.
The requested LOA is the lowest numeric value of all selected authentication handlers.
C) Current LOA
The current LOA is retrieved from the authentication using the assurance evaluator.
D) Compare requested LOA and current LOA
If the current LOA is equals or superior to requested LOA, a service ticket is generated and the user is redirected to the service with this service ticket or to the generic login successfull view is displayed (if no service is requested).
If the current LOA is strictly inferior to the requested LOA, an authentication process should be started.
E) Define the needed interactions
At this step, we have the requested authentication handlers and LOA.
If no interaction is returned, a CAS error page is displayed : "The CAS server cannot grant the level of assurance requested by service and/or by renew parameter".
F) Process interactions
At this step, we have a list of ordered interactions to use for authentication process.
- If the principal is null, the user is redirected back to the view with an error message. If the principal is not null, the user is authenticated and we can generate a service ticket and redirect him to the service or display the generic login successfull view (if no requested service).
G) Communication with Client
Ideas for a new CAS Protocol for Ticket Validation Response -Nathan
- NOT NECESSARILY RELATED TO LOA: user-attributes - contains attributes of the user (principal)
- attrib - subject to the attribute release policy associated with this service - basically the same as the attributes in the SAML validation response
- loa-number - the maximum number associated with any of the satisfied levels of assurance
- levels-satisfied - list of the names of all assurance levels that were satisfied by the users's current session
- level - the name of the level of assurance
- MAYBE: auth-handlers - list of all auth handlers that have successfully authenticated for the user's current session (i.e. authentication objects) - note: this might not be needed or desired
- auth-handler - an individual auth handler; the "name" XML attribute contains the name
- attrib - each attribute in the authentication object can be listed here. probably require deployer to specify which attributes should be released, or maybe include a release policy for registered services similar to that for user attributes
VI. Use cases
A) 2 webapps supporting remember-me and authentication by credentials / client requested LOA
- I access app1 and app2 as remember-me (round-trips on /login)
- I access a more secured area (requiring login/password authentication) in app2 -> I'm redirected to CAS server with renew=credentials, I need to re-authenticate, I fill my password and I'm redirected to app2 -> I get access as I'm now authenticated (not remembered)
- I access a more secured area (requiring login/password authentication) in app1 : what happens ? I'm still remembered in this one, so I'm redirected back to CAS server with renew=credentials and as I'm now authenticated in SSO session with the right LOA, I'm redirected back to application with a valid service ticket.
B) Other use cases
Note that some of these are various versions of the same story but using different scenarios.
VII. Roadmap
A) Step 1 : only client requested LOA
For a first step, the idea is to target only the LOA requested by the client (renew parameter).
It means creating the assurance policy, level of assurance and assurance evaluator, updating the authentication handler and the authentication manager and implementing the main algorithm (impacts on webflow).
B) Step 2 : add server requested LOA
For a second step, we can add the requested LOA defined in CAS server.
It means updating the registered service, the services management webapp and the main algorithm.
C) Step 3 : add interactions
For a third step, we can finally add the interactions and interactions manager and update the main algorithm (impacts on webflow).
NEW Jérôme :
D) Step 4 : add interrupt screens
By extending the current LPPE feature, a mechanism of interrupt screens could be created.
E) Step 5 : return "real" SAML information to clients
It would be usefull to return "real" SAML information, i.e. authentication contexts to the client through SAML validation.
F) Step 6 : support SAML authentication requests
To be able to handle very complex client requests on LOA with many parameters (and without previous definition on CAS server), the CAS server should be able to handle SAML authentication requests on /login url.