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  1. Jonathan, Andrew, Scott, Benn: Discuss CASifying Outlook Web Access, figure out approach
  2. Jonathan: Contact Azusa Pacific
  3. Scott, Brian: Discuss impact of integrating CASShib, open for comments to cas-dev, submitted as part of RFC Process (Conversation started offline)
  4. Scott, Andrew, Dan: Discussing approaches for supporting ClearPass
  5. Steering Committee: Make a statement about what it means to be an official or unofficial client
  6. Benn: Schedule June call


  • Howard & Scott: Come up with proposal about contributions (official, unofficial, random, contrib, Maven2 repository, etc.) - technical
  • Howard & Susan, Scott & Ben: procedures around contributions - talk to Incubation Working Group
  • Scott: seed list with roadmap discussion items (tick)
  • Scott: Check with Ben on status of Password Passback
  • Scott: Write draft proposal for contributions, hand off to Howard
  • Scott: Contact cas-toolbox developers