[15:17:18 CST(-0600)] <EricDalquist> that source isn't queried
[15:17:44 CST(-0600)] <drewwills> well maybe not
[15:17:46 CST(-0600)] <EricDalquist> part of me is thinking that I need to break this up more
[15:17:47 CST(-0600)] <EricDalquist> hrm
[15:17:49 CST(-0600)] <EricDalquist> oh!
[15:17:53 CST(-0600)] <EricDalquist> so here is an idea
[15:18:03 CST(-0600)] <drewwills> consider (username == 'foo' | lastName == 'bar')
[15:18:04 CST(-0600)] <EricDalquist> we break up "searchable sources" and "attribute sources"
[15:18:16 CST(-0600)] <drewwills> if you only support username, that's cool
[15:18:31 CST(-0600)] <drewwills> but if it's (username == 'foo' & lastName == 'bar')