Let me start out by saying this proposal doesn't propose that support be dropped for IMultithreaded interfaces. This proposal does propose that they should be marked as deprecated and over time channels should be rewritten refactored to use IChannel or converted to or replaced by a portlet instead. Eventually there might come a time when most current IMultithreadedChannel implementations have dropped IMultithreaded and we can simplify and improve the performance of uPortal by dropping support for this interface, but there are no near term plans to drop that support. Also, we need to make it clear that IMultithreaded* channels shouldn't be perceived as a better, faster more optimized way of developing a channel.
IMulithreaded re-invents this. IMultithreaded asks the portal to guarantee that all boxes using this channel will be backed by the same IMultithreaded instance, such that the instance fields in that channel instance are shared across all usages of the channel. This is completely equivalent to writing an IChannel and placing those shared objects in static fields. It's an increasing best practice to avoid the use of static fields, which are well understood – - it should be even more a best practice to avoid the use of an equivalent facility that is much less well understood.