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What is this page?

This page documents why these JAXP 1.3 jars are included with the distribution  and what you should do with them.

The short version:

If compiling and deploying under JDK 1.4.x, drop these .jar files into your /lib/endorsed/ directory of your JDK's JRE
and into the /commmon/endorsed/ directory of your Tomcat.
The 'JAXP-Install' target in the uPortal build.xml will do this for you.

You also need to copy /lib/xalan-2-6-0.jar to the /lib/endorsed/ directory of your JDK's JRE
and into the /common/endorsed/ directory of your Tomcat.  xalan-2-6-0.jar overrides
the org.apache.xml APIs that were included in JDK 1.4.

If using JDK 1.5:

You don't need this folder at all if you're running JDK 1.5 as both
your development environment and your Tomcat environment.  

You will still need to make /lib/xalan-2-6-0.jar available to provide the org.apache.xml APIs.

What are these jars?

These are the JAXP 1.3 jars. They implement an endorsed extension to the JDK 1.4.x environment.
They provide a way to bridge from the JDK 1.4 world to the JDK 1.5 world.  These jars include support for standardized XML parsing, transformations, and DOM Level 3 Documents.

Under what licenses are these .jars distributed?

See /docs/licenses/acknowledgements.txt.  See also the site where these .jars are distributed.

Where can I read more?
What JDK should I be using?

While the uPortal 2.5 release is committed to continuing to support JDK 1.4,
you might still want to go ahead and use JDK 1.5 if at all possible.