- Discourage use of these deprecated APIs
- Refactor the core channels to implement IChannel* .
- These framework channels implement one of the IMultithreaded* interfaces:
- CGroupsManager (Patch attached to UP-1371)
- CPortletAdapter (Patch attached to UP-1300)
- CWebProxy (Patch attached to UP-1302)
- CApplet (Patch attached to UP-1369)
- CGenericXSLT (Patch attached to UP-1303)
- CImage (Patch attached to UP-1367)
- CInlineFrame (Patch attached to UP-1368)
- CPersonAttributes (Patch attached to UP-1370)
- These framework channels implement one of the IMultithreaded* interfaces:
- Adopt a policy that no new channels implementing IMultithreaded*will be accepted into the framework (uPortal source tree)
- Propose a presentation for JA-SIG Vancouver conference "Why IMultithreaded is Deprecated and How to Refactor Your Channels away from IMultithreaded"