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Placeholder for January

uPortal 3.2 Release

If timing allows, put something hereit is released before press time, insert the announcement.

Mobile uPortal: upcoming theme, conference

Jen, do you want to write a blurb on mobile uPortal?

Conference highlights

Community Documentation Effort

Maybe defer until next month?
There have been some very good threads recently about uPortal and documentation. One of the issues that has been brought up is where do folks that have time for uPortal development spend that time. We all have various pressures from our work and community commitments as to what features, fixes and ideas we should be working on and often documentation doesn't end up high enough on that list to get proper attention. This is an open community with open documentation, that point gets brought up regularly. The problem is the people who may have the immediate interest and time in updating the documentation may not have the required expertise to actually create it. On the other side the people that have the knowledge and experience to create the documentation may not have the time to build the full structure required for a manual and frequently are too far removed from the first time implementer role to take the best approach for creating the documentation.

What I would like to propose is a community documentation effort. We would create a clean wiki space in which we would ask community members who are closer to the initial implementation stage to put together a skeleton of a manual. Everyone would be encouraged to fill in content they can but the expectation would be that once the skeleton was under way the core developers would fill in the content and examples.

We're also looking for someone who would be interested in taking the lead in ongoing management of the documentation. Helping existing and new developers keep the documentation up to date, managing the organization and structure of the manual as it grows and matures. If you think you would be interested in this role email the uPortal steering committee:

If you have additional input or ideas for a uPortal manual or documentation please share them. The 10th Anniversary Jasig Conference in San Diego March 7-10 is full of uPortal-related offerings. There are half-day seminars on uPortal implementation, migration to uPortal 3, portlet development, uPortal for mobile devices, and using jQuery and Fluid Infusion. Over a dozen sessions will cover portal-related topics including the following:

  • Developing with Spring Portlet MVC, Struts, jQuery, Fluid Infusion
  • WebServices and portlets
  • Content Management, Help Desk,
  • Managing uPortal environments
  • uPortal Roadmap
  • Portal planning

This is a great opportunity to advance your skills and see innovative techniques that others are using. There will be plenty of opportunities to spend face-to-face time with your peers from other universities and take back valuable information you can use in your own portal development.

And don't forget the three great keynote speakers:

  • "We Have Open Source. Now what?"
    Gregory A. Jackson Vice President for Policy and Analysis at Educause
  • "The Apache Software Foundation: No Jerks Allowed"
    Justin Erenkrantz, President of the Apache Software Foundation
  • ""Open Source, Cloud Computing and the Future of Innovation""
    Rod Johnson Founder of the Spring Framework Project

See the complete program at