Versions Compared


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The locale string ("en_US") for the application is set in config.js, and can be retrieved anywhere in the application by calling Titanium.App.Properties.getString('locale'). However, for convenience, the dictionary is added to the facade which should be accessible by every controller in the application. The proper way to implement text anywhere throughout the application is to write app.localDictionary.translatedTextStringKey.

Updating Application Graphics

There are a handful of graphics that should always be customized when customizing uMobile for release, and some that are optional (such as icons and in-app graphics). At a bare minimum, you should update:

  1. Application Icons (Icons plural because Android and iOS have different guidelines for icon creation. This doesn't include the icons inside the app.)
  2. Application Splash Screens

Creating the Application Icon

Both Android and iOS have very specific guidelines on what an icon for your application should look like, as well as at what dimensions you should provide your icon.

  1. Apple's icon guidelines:
  2. Android's icon Guidelines:
    Since each OS has its own unique style of icon, a good approach is to create one icon for each, and save it at all the different required dimensions. 
    For iPhone and iPad:
  3. Create an icon at 512 x 512 (This size is used during the app submission process)
  4. Save for iPhone at 2 sizes, one for standard res (57 x 57) and one for Retina Display (114 x 114), such as iPhoneicon.png & iPhoneicon@2x.png. Titanium recognizes that adding @2x just before the file extension indicates that this asset is for retina display.
  5. Save for iPad at 72 x 72 pixels

    Incomplete - Work in Progress

Creating Splash Screens

Stylizing the Application
