- JSR-268 (Portlet 2.0) and Spring 3.0 support
- New extensible rendering pipeline with improved performance and caching
- Updated base skin and JavaScript standardization
- Improved internationalization support
- REST APIs exposing read-access to uPortal users, groups, and permissions
- User subscription to pre-formatted tabs
- Support for multiple international languages (English, French, etc...)
- Scalable for enterprise deployments and proven to scale up to at least 8 million users. Portal supports clustering and hosting multiple portals from a single installation.
- Support for many popular databases, including Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL, and Microsoft SQL Server
uPortal supports a variety of the most popular authentication systems making integration to your campus authentication source a simple task. Out of the box support for accessing your campus systems through single sign-on (SSO) frameworks are also included. uPortal even provides a security API allowing creation of custom authentication implementation.