Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


No Format
export CATALINA_OPTS="-Xms256m -Xmx512m -Xloggc:/usr/local/tomcat4/logs/tomcat_gc.log" 

Example snipplet (your output may look different depending on JVM and options):

No Format

262274.805: [GC 256470K->242332K(260224K), 0.0389740 secs]
262286.923: [GC 258588K->242892K(260224K), 0.0208520 secs]
262299.466: [GC 259141K->245443K(261760K), 0.0377540 secs]
262299.504: [Full GC 245443K->69440K(261760K), 0.5614360 secs]
262303.010: [GC 85685K->70542K(260224K), 0.0092740 secs]
262303.191: [GC 86798K->71190K(260224K), 0.0160590 secs]
262317.124: [GC 87445K->73472K(260224K), 0.0302200 secs]

thread dump of the jvm

On Linux you can use the following to create a thread dump of all the running Java threads.
The thread dump will be written to Tomcat's catalina.out file.
This little script assumes you have only one process called java.
