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[01:52:54 EDT(-0400)] * lennard1 ( has left ##uportal
[02:17:29 EDT(-0400)] * athena ( has joined ##uportal
[09:02:21 EDT(-0400)] * tsnfoo ( has joined ##uportal
[09:07:01 EDT(-0400)] * fj4000 (n=Jacob@ has joined ##uportal
[09:22:57 EDT(-0400)] * EricDalquist ( has joined ##uportal
[09:56:55 EDT(-0400)] * athena ( has joined ##uportal
[11:01:40 EDT(-0400)] * lennard1 ( has joined ##uportal
[12:15:36 EDT(-0400)] * Sememmon ( has joined ##uportal
[13:13:46 EDT(-0400)] * lennard1 ( has joined ##uportal
[13:56:39 EDT(-0400)] * JASIGLogBot2 (n=PircBot@jasig.Princeton.EDU) has joined ##uportal
[13:56:39 EDT(-0400)] * Topic is ' -' set by EricDalquist on 2008-02-27 12:32:13 EST(-0500)
[14:28:49 EDT(-0400)] * invisibill (i=80876350@gateway/web/freenode/x-a401b7765c521fc2) has joined ##uportal
[14:30:07 EDT(-0400)] <invisibill> Greetings uPortal devs: my fragment owners for each dlm tab in our 3.1.1 portal instance have managed to lose their ablity to "customize" their own tab. Does anyone here know of a way to restore the "Customize" permissions?
[14:30:27 EDT(-0400)] <invisibill> I cant quite make out what the setting are within the Permissions Manager portlet.
[15:37:57 EDT(-0400)] * Sememmon ( has joined ##uportal
[17:30:21 EDT(-0400)] * lennard2 ( has joined ##uportal
[18:43:18 EDT(-0400)] * tsnfoo ( has joined ##uportal