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Comment: added Free and Open Source software answers to FAQ


Each uPortal distribution includes a quickstart. You can download the latest from the download page.

Can I access all the uPortal source code, including the latest features and patches?

Yes! uPortal is 100% Free and Open Source. There is only one repository hosting all of the uPortal code. While other portal vendors only release the latest versions to paying customers, all uPortal releases are completely free and publicly available.

Can I use uPortal on any server I like for any purpose?

Yes! uPortal is 100% Free and Open Source. You are free to deploy uPortal anywhere you like, redistribute uPortal to anyone you like, and to use uPortal for any purpose whatsoever.

Can I redistribute uPortal and my modifications to it to others?

Yes! And the uPortal developers hope you will! uPortal is also a direct-participation community-based open source project, so the way you redistribute your modifications might be to become directly involved in developing uPortal and making your changes part of the next release. (And there are many ways to participate short of that level of commitment, not least of which is the publicly available issue tracker which welcomes with arms wide open your patches.)

uPortal is 100% Free and Open Source software. You are free to redistribute it as distributed by Jasig or as modified in any way you like to anyone you like in any way you like.

What does uPortal use for authentication?
