Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


DLM -- Distributed Layout Manager, has capabilities parallel to ALM but considered an improvement. Contributed by SunGard SCT to the uPortal code base.


Future options for conferences and meetings


Added the CAS support into uPortal codebase as of 2.5.x (.2?)

There wound up with There eventually resulted two competing attempts to define shared CAS integration APIs

Should we retire the APIs in uP and standardize on those in JJCC? Should or should we retire the APIs in JJCC and standardize on those in uP?

Scott from Rutgers was going to participate remotely as he made one of the competing APIs. But an emergency came up and he could not spare the time.

The current model for auth authentication is the login and the PersonDir.


Jason: Let's produce a distribution with uPortal and CAS, and a config that lets our existing authentications talk through CAS.

[pop the stack back to talking about uPortal 2.6]

CGenericXSLT System Cache Scope


Future for 2.6.0 towards release:--

  • A little QA


  • A few more fixes


  • An RC


  • A GA release in May, ideally soon after the dev meeting

Jason: We have a document caching implementation; we cache the document as it comes in, instead of after the XSLT. We cache the XML document; no params are passed in; we piggyback on the ICacheable implementation. This way there can still be per-user customization of it (e.g. show only part of it) while still getting the benefits of caching.

Let's try to put the document caching on 2.7.

[morning break]

uPortal 2.7

Jenby Andrew Petro

Jan Nielsen's (from SunGard SCT) vision for platform maturity

Better platform for building somehtig something bigger--

  • more formal


  • identification of API's, more care in changes to API's


  • Better platform for a commercial platform built on uPortal


  • Better platform for a campus portal built on uPortal

Here are some suggestions for what to add for 2.7 

Mark Boyd and DLM evolution

-- he put some enhancements in HEAD

-- More There are more features available in the Sandbox

-- Merge Let's merge these into the core, QA, and release uPortal 2.7 with better DLM


-- Or does it need to go into a 2.7?

Portlet support

-- Move to Pluto 1.1 (uP3 went to this)

-- JSR-286? The revised, not yet final, portlet specification [not included in Pluto 1.1 but that positions you for thisdoing the Pluto thing positions us for 286]

-- Fix for the dreaded UP-1040 bug [a multiply-published portlet can get preference settings confused between instances]

Jonathan: Chuck Severance suggested that David [DeWolfe?] DeWolf should put WSRP support into Pluto 1.2.


uPortal gets dinged in side-by-side comparisons with other portals on less out of the box functionality (portlets, channels)

Energy is lost of lost to "friction"

-- There are a lot of neat opensource plugins for uportal


code versioning friction

-- for example, what versions of the announcements channel will work in what versions of uPortal with what modifications?


Jason: Who owns this vision and who will drive this forward? What portions of this idea are discouraging to viability of 2.6?

DLM XHTML/CSS skins for 2.6


by Jason Shao

2.6 includes a somewhat genericized version of the Rutgers theme, which uses XHTML and CSS.


We have new skins -- such as pink or pink fall skin.

Drag and Drop for uPortal 2.6


by Jen Bourey

Most features copied from the preferences channel


Fails back if scripting is disabled

Javascript Resources

Uses the Dojo! AJAX library

Portal dojo classes

Implemented in ajax-preferences.js



Extra icons

Channel editing capabilities:

  • move
  • delete
  • min/max


  • adding channels
  • browse channels by category [channels which were nested using previous preferences editor, are shown in the correct category, but the nested structure is not


  • visible, it appears as one level.]


  • search channels


  • can use channel without adding to layout


  • add to my layout


  • put it in some other tab

Editing editing Tabs Also also work ajaxy.

Susan: The "use without adding" makes the concept of a layout less important to me. It's more, "find something to use and use it".

Andrew: The idea of a dashboard ("tell me what's going on at the moment") means that a layout is still useful.

UI Testing results

  • Confusing terminology
  • Channel adding should be more obvious
  • Drag and drop tabs?
  • Simplicity
  • Users want less tabs
  • Possibly too many features

Jason: "widgets","modules", and "gadgets" are more the current nomenclature.


Susan: I think we'll have to lock the tabs, because we would have no way to push new content.

Unimplemented features

  • skin selection
  • resetting a layout
  • setting the active tab
  • moving columns
  • moving channels to a new tab
  • Asynchronous channel rendering

Showed examples.

Such as, integration with Google Appliance.

A short discussion about issues using Ajaxy Javascript, e.g. preventing namespace collisions, some scripts aren't designed to be included more than once in a page, using embedded IFrames.

[lunch break]

Asynchronous channel rendering


by Jen Bourey

[no formal presentation, just discussion] in other words, redraw one channel without refreshing the whole page

Unicon has done some stuff with frames. Shawn Lonas ( and Gary Thompson ( Academus: there is a "download worker" a channel can give you a link to download something produced by the portal. So they put in a callback and the target of the callback is the content of the channel.
