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Colin: Melissa and I would be interested in being involved in that discussion.

Followup on


DLM Status

by Andrew Petro

Mark Boyd was at SunGard SCT] -- AndrewMark was the main motor behind contributing Distributed Layout Manager (DLM) to the uPortal source., where he contributed much work to the Distributed Layout Manager and moving it into the uPortal code base, but now he has moved on to other things. 

DLM: he has some material contributed to 2.6.

There are more features in the Sandbox. The main reason is that it was dependent on a robust internationalization implementation that is not in the base. That code particularly addressed the fragment management editor.

Mark could probably answer questions but would not be able to work on code.

Who owns the DLM now?

Andrew cannot do it.

Jonathan: Who has relevant expertise?

Eric: I don't have the timeNo one present was able to commit to pick up the role.

Susan: What do we mean by 'owner'?


Andrew: Apparently the decision is, we coast for several months and see what happens, and do not as yet try to do anything about the Sandbox.

JSR-168 support in uPortal2; status and prognosis


by Andrew Petro

There are a few sites present running portlets, and some who want to.

There was a time where JSR-168 was a compelling idea but there were very few portlets worth running. That is by far no longer true, there are lots of interesting portlets now, and there are interesting frameworks that support it.

[??? Andrew and Susan are going to be representing channels at the "channels Channels vs. portletsPortlets Smackdown" smackdown at the summer conference]

a) UP-1040 -- a Jira issue about mapping channel parameters into portlets. Should be able to multiply publish a single portlet. There is a big bug where if you do that they randomly see each other's parameters, etc. Eric says this has something to do with Pluto 1.0, Pluto 1.1 addresses it. Right now UWisc, for example, uses many duplicate portlets with different names-actually the same portlet-so they don't get their parms confused. There is now a patch that Tim Carroll wrote that may fix it.


Susan: A problem in getting help from this group is that the amount of effort that's going to go into uP3 uses up the availability of these people. Could we bring this up at the June meeting where there are more people focused only on uP2 at present. ? Ask for help keeping the legacy code going forward for a year or two more.


Elliott: A couple approaches: (a) See if Tim's patch re UP-1040 will work. (b) delete the Pluto 1.0.1 jar and find the red wavy lines in Eclipse (smile)
[new topic]

Mavenizing uPortal-related projects


by Eric Dalquist

this was touched on yesterday.
