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NOTE: When it says a session is "by" someone it does not necessarily mean they have been responsible for the work or action item in question. It means only that they presented, discussed, or facilitated that session.

A few terms used elsewhere without explanation

CAS -- Centralized Authentication Service, a single sign-on system originally developed at Yale, but has been contributed to become a JA-SIG project.

Layout manager -- that part of the uPortal infrastructure that assembles a user's layout for display, and allows them to change it.

SLM -- Simple Layout Manager, the earliest model still in use. The user sees a default layout until they make even one tiny change. At that point, a custom copy of the entire layout is made for that user, and the user will see no further changes the site staff make to the default layout.

ALM -- Aggregated Layout Manager, introduced the concept of "fragments", tabs which are maintained by site staff and which are kept up to date in the view of each user.

DLM -- Distributed Layout Manager, has capabilities parallel to ALM but considered an improvement.


Future options for conferences and meetings


  • have activities organized across: e.g. uPortal developers; coding sessions; bar camps; bug fixing marathons; documentation marathons [someone said "they would need extra beer"]; HyperContent; sakai/uportal collaboration; put together grant proposals; board could get together; training; i.e. various self-organizing groups


Elliott, David DeWolfe, Eric, and Peter met and changed uPortal 3 over to Pluto 1.1 (a significant change). Got about 25,000 lines smaller because 1.1 had has those things built in.

We are moving to Maven for project management. More modularization of the framework as we go forward. Make the API's more independent of each other.


Andrew: It looks something like that, but it looks more like the Apache 1.1 license.

Tuesday, April 24 

uPortal 2.6 Status Update

by Andrew Petro

Drag and Drop user preferences--

  • turned off by default


  • your theme needs to be upgraded to use it

Pluggable DLM processing pipeline -- in dlmContext.xml [in properties dir]

Now that we have a "hammer" (DLM injection)

  • Layout restrictions
  • Alerts-like functionality
  • Just-in-time insertion of "stuff" into the layout

-- Security advisory around RSS reader instances?

On Platform Maturity:

uP2 has wartsals , but also has "platform maturity"--

  • existing features


  • known limitations


  • installed base


  • experienced users

how do you add value--

  • fix nagging issues that sap value


  • add features pointedly to increase value


  • add documentation

DLM is the default in 2.6


back to Andrew: Jason has been working on documentation. It's on the wiki. Not quite ready for release. [Since the meeting this has been opened up for public comment and participation as the "uPortal Manual" wiki space, but not yet pushed hard out to the world because it still has large gaps.]

On release availability:

  • There is a 2.6.0 wiki page.
  • You can download RC1
  • Vincent Mathieu made a quickstart [has been posted since the meeting]

There is a CSqlQuery channel. Could it be subject to SQL injection attacks?

What about JChart?

Skinning it2.6:

Customizing the XSLT is optional

Oh, about those XSLT's
, there is now a JSP channel

JSP as alternative to XSLT


Channel -> Model -> JSP -> HTML


Backward compatible with CGenericXSLT

Based on Rome library

XSLT -> Java processing (more robust)


-- Jen added runtime end-user config

Fixes from the 2.5.x. seriesShould series should also all be in 2.6.0 M1

Requires JDK 1.5 or 1.6

Tomcat 5.something

Refactored channels away from IMultitheaded*

  • Reduced lock thrash
  • Simpler
  • Easier to debug/log

uPortal CAS integration convergence

by Andrew Petro

The CAS support available to work with uPortal has been evolving.
