- Working in uPortal PDF Open Office - A document written about uPortal from the perspective of a technical user/content editor. It starts with a discussion of how uPortal uses XML and XSLT to create the final user layout. It continues with and in-depth analysis of the how to create a new channel with the content manager, how to make a new look and feel and an introduction to fragments. This document is relevant to uPortal 2.2 and later.
Upgrading uPortal
uPortal is now documented in the uPortal manual wiki space.
- uPortal 2.4.2 to 2.5.0 Upgrade Procedures - Describes how to upgrade uPortal 2.4.2 to uPortal 2.5.0
- Easing database upgrades - Provides hints on upgrading the uPortal database
Channel Management
management is now documented in the uPortal manual wiki space.
Configuration is now documented in the uPortal manual wiki space.
User Interface Management