- illinois todo: add log4j configurations
- At Heartland Community College, we use a free app called Lamba Probe to monitor our heap. It's just another application that can sit along side your portal and portlets. View a live demo by using "demo" for username and password. Essentially it is a glorified tomcat manager application that allows you to see stats on database connection pools, threads, http and ajp connections and memory usage. Obviously it isn't going to be much help when tomcat hangs because it itself is dependent on tomcat, but it is a great tool for performance monitoring. By Just drop the application into your webapps directory and by default, anyone any accounts with the manager role in tomcat-users.xml will be able to log in but . Of course it is very easy to change the role being used for authentication or configure the application to use a custom tomcat realm to perform authentication against ldap. This application has provided us additional information needed to tune our JVMs. Be sure to add the following java option to tomcat -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote to enable the detailed memory breakdown.
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- illinois todo: add sample perl scripts and database structure