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Comment: Migrated to Confluence 4.0


Legacy case: don't wire it

Code Block
titleGet the legacy behavior by not wiring
 | no change to applicationContext.xml or to 
 | or to any other configuration file is required to get the behavior of uPortal 2.5.0 


In uPortal 2.6.0, as implemented in the current uPortal 2 HEAD, the legacy behavior goes away and failing to declare an IStatsRecorder instance via Spring configuration will result in no stats recording.

Doing nothing

Code Block
titleDeclaring a do-nothing stats recorder
<bean name="statsRecorder"


A logging example

Code Block
titleLogging some IStatsRecorder events

 | The parent bean is the Conditional wrapper because first we want to filter down to
 | the events we're actually going to log.
<bean name="statsRecorder"
    <property name="flags">
         | This JavaBean lets us configure which events we'd like the Conditional 
         | wrapper to propogate.  The flags default to false so we need only declared those
         | methods we would like to propogate.
        <bean class="">
            <property name="recordChannelRendered" value="true"/>

     | The Conditional stats recorder will call this target when its condition is fulfilled, that is
     | when the method call is recordChannelRendered().  IStatsRecorder calls other than 
     | recordChannelRendered will have no effect, that is, are filtered away 
     | by the Conditional stats recorder. 
    <property name="targetStatsRecorder">
         | The target of the Conditional is the thread firing wrapper so that we'll use separate
         | threads to perform the actual logging. 
        <bean class="">
            <!-- initial thread pool size -->
            <constructor-arg value="5"/>
            <!-- maximum thread pool size -->
            <constructor-arg value="15"/>
            <!-- thread priority -->
            <constructor-arg value="5"/>

             | The target of the threads we fire is this LoggingStatsRecorder instance.
            <property name="targetStatsRecorder">
                <bean class=""/>



Wiring in your custom stats recorder

Code Block
titleDeclaring your own stats recorder
<bean name="statsRecorder"

Multiple stats recorders

Code Block
titleAn ambitious example involving multiple stats recorders

 | The parent bean is the Conditional wrapper because first we want to filter down to
 | the events we're actually going to use.
<bean name="statsRecorder"
    <property name="flags">
         | This JavaBean lets us configure which events we'd like the Conditional 
         | wrapper to propogate.  The flags default to false so we need only declared those
         | methods we would like to propogate.
        <bean class="">
            <property name="recordChannelRendered" value="true"/>
            <property name="recordFolderAddedToLayout" value="true"/>

     | The Conditional stats recorder will call this target when its condition is fulfilled, that is
     | when the method call is recordChannelRendered().  IStatsRecorder calls other than 
     | recordChannelRendered will have no effect, that is, are filtered away 
     | by the Conditional stats recorder. 
    <property name="targetStatsRecorder">
         | Here we're firing new threads.  If we're going to use a large list of stats recorders,
         | recording stats could take awhile so we want this to be undertaken in threads from the
         | pool for this purpose rather than engaging core channel rendering, session management, or
         | Servlet Container threads in this project.  We need to let go of the current thread to let it
         | get back to the work of rendering the response to the user.
        <bean class="">
            <!-- initial thread pool size -->
            <constructor-arg value="5"/>
            <!-- maximum thread pool size -->
            <constructor-arg value="15"/>
            <!-- thread priority -->
            <constructor-arg value="5"/>

             | The target of the threads we fire is the List recorder implementation, which
             | will delegate to our configured list of stats recorders.
            <property name="targetStatsRecorder">
                <bean class="">
                   <property name="children">
                           <!-- here we declare the IStatsRecorders we'd like to run. -->
                           <bean class=""/>
                           <bean class=""/>
                            | for example, you might use some of the included recorders 
                            | as well as a custom recorder implementation
                           <bean class="edu.someschool.DatabaseStatsRecorder">
                                | If your stats recorder needs a DataSource, you can inject it.
                               <property name="dataSource">
                                           value="java:comp/env/jdbc/myDatasource" />

