Something with a 3D sphere. Laura whipped these up in Photoshop but you might need to alter them. You might want to do something with the fontUse a "classic" style font (as referenced at http://fontfeed.com/archives/the-logos-of-web-20/). Maybe add glossy type effects. Maybe see how the sphere looks if it is more behind the word. Maybe they could do something creative with the sphere and textures, like a 3D puzzle sphere or something. Maybe increase the font size. Maybe add glossy type effects.
If you look at Liferay's logo it's a square that contains other squares. Maybe we can have "stuff" coming out of our sphere.The sphere could become the favicon too.
Perhaps have the word "Portal" in a glossy bubble (as in the "Tube" in youTube) then having the "u" in front of it and the "4" behind it.
- A "version 3" that we can include in our community poll.
- After our poll, a final version of our selected choice with and without the "4"
- A style guide for use of the logo
- Versions that work on light and dark backgrounds.
- Versions appropriate for print and the web
- Small thumbnail sized version (e.g Facebook profile size)
- favicon size