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Home Screen - Not Logged In

When the user first installs the app and opens it, they'll see the guest view of the Portal news feed, as well as a call to action to sign in. The only options the user has at this point are to sign in, or browse/read news articles. Image Added

Home Screen - Logged In

When a user is logged in, the top bar changes to include links to "Search" and "Settings" Windows. Additionally, the home screen changes to display a collection of icons representing links to various activities inside the app. Some activities will be run natively (using data from a remote web service), but some activities will be presented to the user in embedded WebViews of HTML/Javascript from the server. The goal is to make interactions with the native app and webviews seamless to the user so the application will fill like one cohesive experience.

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Map Window

The Map accounts for the following broad use cases:

  • Find Classes
  • Find specific campus resources (bookstore, library, cafeteria)
  • Find categories (computer labs, restrooms, dorms, events, restaurants, recreation - admin manageable)

The Map provides the following features:

  • See interactive points on map
  • Get directions to any location
  • Zoom In/Out, change between provided views
  • Toggle Map/Satellite/Both
  • Center Map to my location
  • Search Campus Map
  • Show/Filter points of interest (recreation, dorms, admin-manageable points)
  • User can navigate to the map settings section of the Application Settings Window to select which campus(es) will be included in map view and results. Image Added