This portlet assumes that all styling for it will be done in the skin. It uses the CSS classes defined in PLT.C in JSR-168/JSR-286 where appropriate.
Firebug and the Error Console in Firefox were my friends while trying to get the Javascript working. The only thing done server side is taking the two values in the configuration file and feeding them into the javascript. Everything else is client-side.
The old one v1 portlet was doing a string ID -> Integer -> string conversion and Facebook IDs now exceed the maximum Integer and the API it used was old/deprecated. Updating to use a newer app id seemed to break it, so after seeing that the Facebook Connect API portlet that was in incubation was not stated to be working with pre-3.x versions of uPortal, we decided to rewrite one that did.
The only thing I think could cause a problem perhaps in later versions of uPortal is the portlet.tld that is included. I wasn't sure if it was needed for the JSP compilation, but if it is, it probably could just be a maven dependency (w/"provided" scope) since most of those taglibs are in jars somewhere.
Please post all questions/feedback on the uportal-users list. If you are absolutely sure it is a bug in the portlet, please add a ticket in the Jira project listed on the main page for this portlet.