Gmail Preview Gmail Preview email-preview-gmail Peek at the contents of your gmail INBOX Portlet org.jasig.portal.channels.portlet.CSpringPortletAdaptor 20000 Y N N N en_US Entertainment Services Everyone portletApplicationId /email-preview N showChrome true N isFrameworkPortlet false N highlight false N portletName email-preview N hideFromMobile false N alternate false N disableDynamicTitle true N port true 993 authenticationServiceKey true portletPreferences protocol true imaps host true connectionTimeout true -1 usernameSuffix true inboxUrl true linkServiceKey true default timeout true -1 welcomeTitle true Add Gmail to My Portal welcomeInstructions true <div class="portlet-msg-alert" role="alert" style="display: block;"> <p>You must enable IMAP Access in your Gmail settings. <a href="" target="_new">Click here</a> to make changes.</p> </div>